Huhtamaki (Lurgan) finalists at Sustainable Ireland Awards 2012
We would like to congratulate our colleagues at Huhtamaki (Lurgan) Ltd who were finalists at this year's Sustainable Ireland awards. The award ceremony was held at the Ramada Hotel on 12 September. Huhtamaki was nominated for the Energy Efficiency Award for work into an improved dryer for one of their production machines. Huhtamaki Lurgan has the last remaining paper mill anywhere in Ireland and make three different categories of moulded fibre products; egg trays, egg cartons and fast food cup carriers.
As all of the products are made from a pulp, it is important to dry them as soon as possible following production in order for them to retain their shape and strength. Through stringent research and development, Huhtamaki (Lurgan) designed and installed a new dryer.This has achieved significant savings in heat loss and improved overall efficiency. This not only demontrates Huhtamaki's desire to improving its processes but also demonstrates the Group's commitment to improving the environment.
By having access to this mill, it allows Huhtamaki to minimise its carbon footprint through local collection, local processing and local manufacturing. It also ensures that jobs are kept locally within Northern Ireland.